Monday 6 January 2014

December studio visit and tutorial

Part of the Camberwell/Acme award is the valuable offer of mentoring from a practising artist whose work you admire. I had a lovely tutorial visit from Gayle Chong Kwan who had been one of the judges for the award. Realised I had been feeling a bit detached and purposeless,  felt I was using the studio as a kind of incubating space, just replicating objects. Gayle emphasised that I should now be showing my work as much as possible, entering open calls, commissions etc. Important as my work only resembles finished work when I have to fill a particular space. She also encouraged ideas which you sometimes sit on thinking they're too random - if you think of it, make it. Both are the way to push work forward and I needed to be told again.
December sculptures

Pink arm - top - used chopped up sweaters sewn with scrim. With Bean - above - sewed painted string through scrim so looks like balding tuber potato. Like a baked bean with a purpose.
Blue feet is a 3D manifestation of a scribble in an ipad drawing using very thin steel I wanted to make it stay up on its own, embedded in concrete core and then stuck in pop socks which I filled with blue plaster sludge. Here it is communicating with red snail horned thing.

More watercolour painting

 Continued with watercolours not mimicking ipad marks this time, though including some of the powder shapes and objects in the 3D work.

Lockdown Days

Four years later I'm returning to this blog. It has so few views compared to Instagram its almost like a private diary but it can be sh...