Tuesday 31 March 2020

Lockdown Days

Four years later I'm returning to this blog. It has so few views compared to Instagram its almost like a private diary but it can be shared. I wanted somewhere to ramble, to think and work things through in a slower and less public way. I'm not sure about the format of this blog, its very much a bitty magazine style set up of photos with captions and I'm after a more slow food type blog. But I'll see how I go and if I can adapt
it to take more text in.
Plasticine, wire, epoxy putty, glazed ceramics.
At Her Mit Projects  February 2020. No title yet!

This is part of the work I showed at Her Mit Projects on February 23rd the lovely space for developing and sharing work created by Natasha MacVoy. The projects are halted in their present form for the moment by the virus.  I'm going to try and use this blog as place to develop work from this point, and to develop the dialogue with Tash about my work and hers and see where it takes us. This blog format won't let me put words alongside the photo which is frustrating and seem to have to stick with the magazine style format but will see if I can change anything. Working from home to avoid social contact (my studio is a shared space). Using the few materials I've bought home, thinking of more works with wire and modelling materials, of building a tent like structure from outsize pieces of knitting, crochet and string structures mixed in. Things built up in pieces and taken down and put away. Also keep thinking of things growing/erupting from the flat uprights of walls, in blobs and also a development of the plaster moulding piece I made last year.
Ceramic wall blobs with twig

Super lightweight blob made from Japanese
 modelling foam mixed with paint

From Trophy, 2019 at SimSmith, wall mouldings
made from paper, plaster, modroc and house paint

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Lockdown Days

Four years later I'm returning to this blog. It has so few views compared to Instagram its almost like a private diary but it can be sh...