Wednesday 16 October 2013

Crayon drawing

Not entirely crayon, used spray paint for the ones that are soft edged and look sort of sprayed. used a bit of tape as well.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Made a start

Started by drawing with crayons some of the ipad marks, need some new colours to mimic it better also not got the spacing right, the repetition of a mark like a cluster of dots, these are more random and spaced out, almost like a text book of a skin rash!

Friday 4 October 2013

Preparing for open studios

Don't mind the black and the red, the greeny one looks like a pencil case with teats!
Spent the day trying to make pieces to show for the open studios tomorrow. I thought it would be easy after the success of the degree show. It isn't. Made some horrible things that looked like bits of old towelling dressing gown or chewed up toys. Still not happy that isn't just how they look.  Will go back tomorrow and play around some more.
The walls are busy with the prints, wanted them to link with the 3 D pieces.

Ipad painting prints

New prints on photographic paper. The lower photo is of two ipad paintings. The upper is lots of individual marks put together in photoshop, then cut up to experiment with different ways of placing them. Left one large sheet with them still altogether.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

New Acme Studio

Moved into 101 Childers Street today, a lovely empty space that I'm sharing with the Chelsea Acme award winner. We're both putting up work for this saturday's 5th October open studios, part of Deptford X.

Lockdown Days

Four years later I'm returning to this blog. It has so few views compared to Instagram its almost like a private diary but it can be sh...